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Catholic Life and Mission of the School

A quote from Pope Francis: "The mission of the Christian in the world is a mission for all, a mission of service, which excludes no-one; it requires great generosity and in particular the gaze and heart turned heavenward to invoke the Lord's help"


All through the year, the Church family celebrates the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. We also celebrate feasts and saints. St Edmund’s pupils, parents, and staff enjoy a school journey through the Church’s year. Our entrance, hall, corridor, and classroom displays reflect the time of year in the Church’s calendar.


Celebrating Faith During the Liturgical Year




Prayer tables: Cloths are green at start of academic year.

Harvest Thanksgiving: We have a Junior Harvest Mass and Infants have a Harvest Service. Produce is collected for local food banks.

Month of the Rosary: October is the month of the Rosary. Classes are encouraged to pray at least a decade of the Rosary each day.

Advent: The prayer table should be changed to purple.

This is the season to prepare for Christmas Introduction and blessing of the Advent Wreath. 

Christmas: Celebration of the Nativity through drama led, EYFS & KS1. KS2 are in a Carol concert with a dramatisation of the nativity story in St Edmund's Church and parents are invited.  

Autumn “Liturgical Season”




Prayer tables: Cloths are gold for Christmas season then green for Ordinary Time after Feast of Baptism of Our Lord.

Epiphany: (if in term time) – Parish Mass

Holy Family: (if in term time) – Parish Mass

Lent: The prayer table should be changed to purple. During the season of Lent all KS2 children and staff have the opportunity for Reconciliation with Fr. John in School.

Stations of the cross: KS2 visit our Parish Church for Stations of the Cross with Fr. John.

Easter: The resurrection of our Lord is celebrated during the school holidays however covered through 4 week RE topic. Special assembly and displays to highlight the importance of this feast. Foundation stage have an Easter bonnet parade and Y4 lead a Passion service in our Parish Church.


Lent Symbols Stock Photos and Images - 123RF




Prayer table: Cloths are gold for Easter season until Pentecost where they change to green for Ordinary Time.

First Holy Communion: The children in Year 3 (there may be children from other year groups) make their First Holy Communion on a Saturday in May. The school community celebrates with all the children at the Parish Thanksgiving Mass and party in the school hall.

May the month of Mary:  In Honour of Our Lady KS2 hold a service led by y5 in our Parish Church. KS1 have a service in the school hall which is led by Y1. KS2 say the Angelus daily whilst KS1 recite the Hail Mary at noon.

Ascension: Covered in RE Topic work

Pentecost: Covered in RE Topic work

Corpus Christi: Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ. Eucharistic adoration in the Church Yr2 -6.

Feast of St. Peter and Paul: Celebrated with Mass in our Parish Church.

Leaver Mass, assembly and disco: A farewell celebration for the Year 6 leavers. 


Spanish Culture | The Feast of the Holy Name of Mary – javeamigos.com



Ordinary Times


In Ordinary times we use green to represent life and growth. We continue to live each day in the presence of our Lord and follow St Edmund’s model to worship God and do our best as that reflects our Mission ‘Through Christ We Learn’.


Each child took home their own rosary beads to pray the rosary with their families. Each class prays the joyful, sorrowful, glorious and luminous mysteries of the rosary throughout October. Mrs. John hosts a lunch time rosary club for KS2 for the month of October. We remember we can ask Mary to pray for us.


Gospel Assembly


 Every Monday morning, we begin our week together with a Gospel inspired assembly led by our ‘Peace and Justice’ society group. The assemblies are based on the Wednesday Word and the Sunday's Gospel and give the children an opportunity to apply the Gospel message to their lives and the life of our school. They leave the assembly with a question to reflect on, the word of the week and a weekly mission. This assembly is the basis for the weekly class reflection lessons and further classroom Collective Worship. All our assemblies they start using the same structure as our gospel assembly, through our ‘School’s Mission’ and Patron Saint prayer. Also we strongly encourage weekly classes in rotation to showcase their home prayer book during the assembly making in that way the link between home and school stronger.  


Christian Choir

Sacred Heart Choir consists of children from Year 4-6. 

Children can audition for choir in the summer term of year 3 upwards. Choir meet every Friday after school from 3:45-4:45. We practice hymns, singing, submit songs for competitions, rehearse for upcoming events and most importantly have fun! 

Choir is run by Mrs Sanchez. 

During the school year choir perform at many events including: 

  •          London's 02 arena for Young Voices Concerts
  •          Royal Albert Hall for Barnardos 
  •          The school playground
  •          Curriculum evenings
  •          Church events 
  •          School fairs 
  •          Local Christmas Markets


The structure of our Gospel Assembly:


Child-led Collective Worship


Each week, a group of children in each class lead a collective worship session with their peers. Children reflect on gospel stories as well as lead prayers, songs and other chosen activities. The children select the Bible reading that they want their session to be focused upon. They may choose a text related to the liturgical calendar, their class saint or a theme they would like their class to reflect upon e.g friendship, honesty or forgiveness. 

I was hungry and you gave me something to eat,

I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink,

I was an outsider and you invited me in,

I needed clothes and you clothed me,

I was sick and you looked after me.


Matthew 25: 35-6


This half-term, St. Edmund’s celebrated the annual Harvest Festival through a whole school assembly and through our RE work and within English too! We learned about the festival of Harvest and charity work, supporting those in need. From this, we created poetry and prayers thank God for Harvest and expressing how we must help others too.  Everyone family gave very generously to the harvest - it was a magnificent collection and it has all been taken to the food bank of our Parish Church who are always extremely grateful to receive such a large amount of food. The food will be used to make food parcels for those who are in great need. Thank you again to everyone for being so supportive.


All students attend mass at our parish Church for All Souls Day and we remember those who sacrificed their lives during the war by taking a moment of silence on Remembrance Day. We remember that Jesus also sacrificed his life for us and that through him we have eternal life. Each class creates some arts and crafts linked to Remembrance Day. We all gather in the hall for a whole school collective worship that lead is to our glorious balloon release where children are given a card to write their own personal message to those who sacrificed their lives and the balloons are released into the sky.

Let us pray for all who suffer as a result of conflict, and ask that God may give us peace:
for the service men and women
who have died in the violence of war,
each one remembered by and known to God;
may God give peace.
God give peace.



Christ the King Sunday celebrates Christ as King and Lord of the universe.

This Feast Day is celebrated on the final Sunday of Ordinary Time, the final Sunday before Advent begins.

Jesus is a good king; he looks over us like a caring shepherd, making sure that we are safe and protecting us from harm unlike other dominant rulers. He knows everything about us, there is nothing we can hide.

Every year to celebrate we attend a church service.

The Season of Advent


Begins four Sundays before Christmas and ends on December 24. Advent has a twofold character. It is the season to prepare for Christmas when Christ’s first coming is remembered, and it is the season when that remembrance directs the mind and heart to await Christ’s Second Coming at the end of time. For these two reasons, the season of Advent is a period for devout and joyful expectation. We use purple to symbolize waiting and importance.

Our annual Nativity performance brings the real message of Christmas to our pupils, parents, families and friends. Reception Class, Year 1 and Year 2 enthrall their audiences with verse, song and dance re telling the story of the very first Christmas. Every year we are very proud of the children's talent and courage in performing so beautifully.