
Parents Prayer Group

The Bible says: “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” 


The Parent Prayer Group was established in Spring 2, 2024 as part of our ongoing 'Faith in Action' Plan and developing links with our community and parents.

The St Edmund's Parents Prayer Group is an opportunity to thank God for the school, the teachers and all the parents and children that make this community so wonderful. It is also a chance for us to pray for specific occasions/events at the school, asking for God’s guidance, His provision and also praying about any pastoral issues that are happening within our school community may that be loss, health-issues, work difficulties, relationship conflict etc. We are here to support our community – our school and each other through prayer.

We would love for you to be part of the St. Michael’s Parents Prayer meetings – either by putting any prayer requests in the schools reception (anonymously or not) or by coming along to one of our prayer meetings and join us in praying for all aspects of St Michael’s school.

Prayer Meeting Dates

The Parent Prayer Group meet every Tuesday morning at 9.00 am in the school hall, following by our Parent coffee morning workshops. 

It is a very informal group – you are welcome to join in and pray or to sit quietly and reflect in prayer.  Feel free to bring your little ones too.

If you would like further details, please contact the school office and your details will be passed onto the Prayer Group Leaders.


We asked our parents why the Prayer Group is important to us and what we gain from it both as individuals and as a school community. It is clear from the quotes given that the impact of having the Parent Prayer Group enables members of the school community to come together to reflect and offer prayers for those within our school.

Why is the prayer group important to me?

“It’s great to have the opportunity in the midst of busy terms, to focus to pray, and connect with others from the school community”.  

“It is a great privilege to be a part of St Edmund's school, where Christian values and taught and upheld. Through prayer, we remind ourselves that God is in charge and will be with our children and their teachers every day at school. There is such a sense of comfort in that.” 

What do we gain from it?

“It is so encouraging not just to pray on my own but to meet with others.” 

“I love that we have the opportunity to gather, in Jesus name, to pray for our children, the staff and the whole school community.