
Faith In Action

“Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”- Matthew 25:40.


At St Edmund’s we are committed as part of the wider Catholic Church to serve the common good in our locality and the wider world. We aim to go out and do good in our community, by inviting community members into school and by using our God given skills and talents to help and support those in need.

Over the years, we as a school community have supported many different charities locally, nationally and across the world including CAFOD, Save the Children, Catholic Children Society and many more. We have had held events ranging from cake sales, to dress up days, to our Lenten fundraising.

We continue to aim to stretch our awareness and time to ensure we as a school support those that are most vulnerable in our world. We are continually ensuring our children are developing their understanding of the responsibility that has been placed upon us to do what we can to show our support of and solidarity with all members of God’s family.